
You cannot set a minimum execution speed for your action iterations (wink)

But you can set a maximum execution speed.



AllAtOncePattern threadingPattern = new AllAtOncePattern( 2, true, 15, 2000 );

threadingPattern.setExecutionSpeed( 60, 10 );

loader.setThreadingPattern( threadingPattern );

Here we will run 2 threads, each of them will run 15 iterations with 2 secs delay between the iterations. Nothing new so far.

But we have also used the setExecutionSpeed method which defines that every 60 seconds we will have no more than 10 executions. As we have 2 threads, this means every minute each thread will run 5 iterations.

Here is the result:

You can see 2 threads were running 5 iterations and then stopped until a minute is completed, then repeated this procedure two more times until completed their last iteration.
The 2000 ms delay was put in the threading pattern, so this graphic shows clearly how many iterations are ran for each time period(1 minute).

Only AllAtOncePattern and FixedDurationAllAtOncePattern support this feature


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