ATS : ATS Guide

Purpose of this document

This document is the official user guide on ATS

A quick example

You can have a look at this test example using ATS code

ATS Terminology

Here we list some special words and names you will read many teams all over this user guide.

Basic functionalities

Here are many examples which can help you to understand a large part of what and how is possible to do with ATS.

Other areas like performance testing, monitoring of system resources and others are presented in sections bellow.

Test logging

No testing framework is useful without appropriate logging.

Here are the important features.

System monitoring

Here you can see how to monitor the system state of one or many hosts, one or many system processes and more ...

Performance testing

ATS has proven to be steady, flexible and powerful when comes to check the behavior of the Tested Application under load.

Here are the details.

UI testing

ATS comes with a component we call UI Engine which is targeted for testing various UI applications.

Currently it can be used to interact with the following UI types:

  • HTML and JavaScript
  • Mobile (Native and hybrid ones)
  • Swing

Here is the page dedicated to these features.

ATS Agent

When working with the ATS Framework, you often use the ATS Agent for variety of tasks.

Here it is presented.

Maintaining the test environment

It is important to have a clean and expected environment prior to starting a test. The test environment includes files system, database and more.

Here we show you how to achieve it.

Execute any custom code on any host

There is a way to execute any code(in the form of a Java method) on any host where the ATS Agent is running

Here are the details

You like ATS, but you do not want or cannot use Java

Currently only logging to the ATS Log database is supported for usage from the non-Java world.

Here are the details.

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