Here we demonstrate different tasks you will deal with in order to make and run useful performance tests with ATS.
As a starting point, we will be using the performance test example presented here
We will also be using the Action class called FileTransferActions as presented here
If you are wondering about some of the terminology used, you can quickly check it here
Threading patterns
This is the most important topic as it defines the main parameters of a performance test scenario. For example, these are the number of threads(users), how long time they run, do they start together or with some delay, is there some delay after each execution etc.
Here are the details
When running many threads(users) you usually need to use different input parameters for your actions.
For example, when logging in you will need to specify different user names. When sending files you will need to pick different files etc.
Here we show you how to achieve automatic generation of input parameters.
Running simultaneous action queues
Many times you will need a number of users to do one thing, while others do something else at the same time. This can be achieved by running more than one action queues simultaneously.
Here are the details
Running same action queue on more than one Loader
Sometimes it happens that you need to run your action queues on more than one Loader so will be able to load the Application Under Test as needed.
Here are the details
Varying think time
Real users do not usually wait the same time between their interactions with the product. You can use varying time intervals between the queue iterations.
Here are the details
Synchronized iterations
When your threads are running for a long(hours or days), you may want to request all users to start their iterations at the same moment.
Here are the details
Iteration timeout
If a thread hangs forever, your test will hang for ever
Here are the details to tackle such an issue
Max execution speed
Maybe you have committed to your customers to be able to process 1000 requests per minute, but the new hardware used for your tests is able to load your server much higher. And you do not like this.
Here are the details on how to lower down the load
Action queue pass rate
Is your test supposed to fail if you have one failed action execution? How about if you have 5 % failures? This is all configurable.
Here are the details
Capture the transfer speed
If some of your actions do data transfers, it is valuable to monitor how much data is transferred.
Here are the details
Action queues with same names
Rarely, but there are cases you may like to combine the results of more than one queue execution as if it was just one queue
Here are the details
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