ATS : Parametrized input data with multiple calls to same input arguments


As you already saw on the parametrization page, we find the action input argument to parametrize by its name.

Sometimes it turns out in the same queue of actions there is more than one parameter with the same name. This is the case when you want to upload a file twice in a row.


    private static final String   PARAMETRIZED_USER       = "username";
    private static final String   PARAMETRIZED_SMALL_FILE = "localFilePath";
    private static final String   PARAMETRIZED_LARGE_FILE = "localFilePath";

    public void paremetrizedFileTransfers() throws Exception {

        // create a load client and provide the loader it works on
        LoadClient loader = new LoadClient( LOADER_ADDRESS );
        // set some threading pattern
        loader.setThreadingPattern( new AllAtOncePattern( 5, true ) );

        // set as many as needed data configurators
        loader.addParameterDataConfigurator( new RangeDataConfig( PARAMETRIZED_USER, "vuser{0}", 10, 100 ) );

        // we now add 2 File Name patterns
        loader.addParameterDataConfigurator( new FileNamesDataConfig( PARAMETRIZED_SMALL_FILE, "C:/temp/small_files/", ParameterProviderLevel.PER_INVOCATION ) );
        loader.addParameterDataConfigurator( new FileNamesDataConfig( PARAMETRIZED_LARGE_FILE, "C:/temp/large_files/", ParameterProviderLevel.PER_INVOCATION ) );

        // give a name to your action queue
        loader.startQueueing( "FTP transfer" );

        // list all the actions you want to run
        FileTransferAction ftAction = new FileTransferAction();
        ftAction.connect( ftpServer, ftpPort, PARAMETRIZED_USER, ftpPassword );
        ftAction.upload( PARAMETRIZED_SMALL_FILE );
        ftAction.upload( PARAMETRIZED_LARGE_FILE );

        // now execute the requested action queue according to the threading pattern

As you can we call the upload action twice and we have provided two File Name generation patterns - each of them specifies a different folder to pull the files from and each of them attached to one call of the upload action.

One iteration of this queue will result in:

  1. connect
  2. upload a file from the folder with small files
  3. upload a file from the folder with large files
  4. disconnect

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