ATS : User activity monitoring details


You can monitor the activity of the virtual users.

Virtual users live in the environment of the ATS Agent (also called Loader) which mimics the behavior of real users. For example, your virtual users might do login, file transfer, and logout and this page shows how to get a good idea of how many of them are running any of these actions at any time of the test execution.


All you need is to use the appropriate method of the SystemMonitor class

systemMonitor.scheduleUserActivityMonitoring( <AGENT ADDRESS> );

When you are running the test on more than one Loader, you just need to call this method for all of them

Reviewing the collected data

The collected data is available using the Test Explorer UI:

For each timestamp, this example shows the number of users connecting(blue line), uploading files(red line).

Additionally, we also display the used memory on that host(green line)

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