
This page gives a list of the supported browsers and some comments some special considerations when using some browsers on some operating systems

Supported browsers

Here is the list of the supported browsers by the latest ATS version:

Browser name


UI Engine driver class





Runs a real Firefox browser on top of Selenium. You may install older versions from here: Firefox releases

Note To use the latest browsers always use the latest available ATS version.


6 - 11


Runs a real IE browser on top of Selenium

Microsoft Edge



Runs a real Edge browser on top of Selenium


27 - 84


Runs a real Chrome browser on top of Selenium




Runs a real Safari browser on top of Selenium




Deprecated and will be removed due to lack of third-party library updates. Appropriate for systems without GUI support. PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with JavaScript.
As an alternative, you may use a real browser in headless mode or HtmlUnit.

Browser without a visual UI

Firefox 60


Appropriate for systems without GUI support. Runs much faster as its using an internal Java browser.
This also means that in some cases it will not behave exactly as a real browser.

Note that future browser versions might also work but need verification and also need latest Selenium WebDrivers.

Setup steps for using some browsers

There is a mandatory step before using InternetExplorer, Chrome, and newer Firefox drivers.


For newer Firefox installations Selenium should use Gecko WebDriver. Older versions used "Marionette" driver.

System.setProperty( "webdriver.gecko.driver", "D:\\bin\\geckodriver_xxx.xx.xx.exe" );


Download the Chrome driver from here according to the system you are using (32 or 64 bit Windows/Linux/Mac) and then set the absolute path to your chromedriver binary file.

System.setProperty( "", "D:\\bin\\chromedriver_xxx.xx.xx.exe" );

Internet Explorer and Edge

Download the Internet Explorer driver from here and then set the absolute path to your IEDriverServer.exe

// for Internet Explerer
System.setProperty( "", "D:\\bin\\IEDriverServer_xxx.xx.xx\\IEDriverServer.exe" );

// for Edge
System.setProperty( "webdriver.edge.driver", "D:\\bin\\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe" );

It is recommended to use the 32-bit version, it works for 64-bit Windows installations as well.

The reason is that there is is an issue with typing with the 64-bit driver.


Edge driver provided by Microsoft does not support all features like the other drivers


If your system does not have GUI support, you can use this headless driver. First, you need to download PhantomJS server (a binary file) depending on the OS type and architecture.

The PhantomJS browser can run locally and remotely.

Here is how to start a PhantomJS server from a remote machine

# Windows
$ cd X:\...\selenium_drivers\phantomjs-1.9.2
$ phantomjs.exe --webdriver=5678

# Linux
$ cd /.../selenium_drivers/phantomjs-1.9.2
$ ./phantomjs --webdriver=5678

There are additional command line options described here. For example, if want to support HTTPS:

$ ./phantomjs  --ignore-ssl-errors=yes --ssl-protocol=any --web-security=false --webdriver=5678

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