ATS : ATS Agent - Docker Image


ATS Framework extends its support for the deployment landscape. It is possible (since 4.0.7) to deploy the agent right from a dedicated Docker image. It is available in Docker Hub -


Below is example how to run and use the available Docker image:

# docker run --rm -it -p 8089:8089 --name agent --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/resources/add_actions,target=/opt/mount/ats axway/ats-agent


  • --rm is instruction container to be removed right after termination;
  • --name agent is the  name given of the running container;
  • -p 8089:8089 is the port mapping. And the first port is the one exposed on the host;
  • --mount ... source=$(pwd)/resources/add_actions,target=/opt/mount/ats - is the mapping of the host (source) where custom ATS actions libraries to be put and also the target mount on the container filesystem.
    The layout on the source/external volume should be:
    • resources/add_actions/actions - the sub-folder with JARs with ATS actions, i.e. generated xxx-autoserver.jars;
    • resources/add_actions/actions_dependencies - the sub-folder with JARs needed as dependencies to the actions mentioned above;
    • Notes: Other volumes and mapping techniques could be used as long as the same folder layout and target mapping is used. On agent start files in the two sub-folders within /opt/mount/ats/ are copied to their corresponding directories under /home/atsuser/ats-agent/


Agent home is user home: /home/atsuser/, currently using OpenJDK JRE 11.x.

There are some special cases to be considered when copying files to the container. For more details refer to this pages


Versions available into Docker Hub (

  • latest - using recent SNAPSHOT (the version in master branch)
  • 4.0.8 - 2021-04-20, based on ATS Framework 4.0.8
  • 4.0.7 - 2021-01-19, based on ATS Framework 4.0.7
  • 4.0.7-M4 - 2020-10-20 based on ATS Framework 4.0.7-М4
    • using JVM with tuned options for security intensive operations. Namely specifying NativePRNGNonBlocking as securerandom algorithm.
  • 4.0.7-M3.1 - 2002-07-24 built from ATS 4.0.7-SNAPSHOT
  • 4.0.7-M3.01 - 2020-07-01, built from ATS 4.0.7-SNAPSHOT
    • initial version
    • using non-root user: atsuser

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