ATS : Release Notes


18 January 2021

The most notable changes are:

  • Full Java 9+ support including Java 11 (LTS)
  • PostgreSQL backup/restore support
  • Released ATS Agent Docker image
  • Fixes and improvements for performance testing scenarios with intensive DB logging

    All detailed notes are available here

4.0.6  (details)

05 September 2019

Action library Add possibility for RestClient to register custom connector provider like Apache Connector.

Action library Improvements in Database snapshots functionality.

Action library Provide way to specify global and session properties for SshClient.

Agent Use ${AGENT_HOME}/work sub-folder as a temporal folder to unpack agent WAR file.

DB Logging Ability to set or get testcase meta information.

Environment Cleanup Add possibility to drop and recreate tables during restore of DB backups. This is useful for intense DB data tests like performance tests.

Environment Cleanup Optimize memory usage when creating backups of big DB tables.

Environment Cleanup Improve sequence of SQL statements in regular DB backup files.

S3 client Added new method for efficient delete of large sets of objects/files in S3 compatible storages.

UI Engine Add method to switch to another window with the same title as current one.

Action library File upload for files larger than 2GB was failing in REST Client. Jersey library is upgraded.

Action library For REST client chunked responses were not buffered causing some limitations in response verifications.

Action library Fixed signing of mails (S/MIME). Whole certificate chain was not included in the signed mail.

Action library  Do not log the whole file, but file size when invoking createFile().

Action library Fix NullPointerException when trying to upload/download file over not connected SFTP client.

Agent Prevent NPE when de-serializing message from agent that has not set message details field.

Log Log just single warning instead of throwing multiple exceptions when DB appender is not attached and is used in test code.

Log Escape non-printable characters for PostgreSQL DBs. Also fix update run event for this DB type.

Monitoring Fix in System monitoring. Now DB port is passed when initializing system monitoring on agent side.

Test harness Various fixes in test lifecycle states regarding integration with TestNG.

Several important dependencies are updated. Check detailed release notes for more info including deprecated methods.

4.0.5  (details)

23 April 2018

RBV Support database verifications on PostgreSQL databases

Framework Quicker check whether some address belongs to a local or remote host

Logging It is now possible to specify the database port a Test Explorer database is working at

Test Harness Last Suite and the Run are not closed


1 March 2018

Amazon S3 Some extensions and optimizations

File Transfer Client Support for multifactor authentication over HTTPS, FTSP and SFTP

File System Operations Support replacing more than one text in file at once

Framework Allow hostname, domain or subdomain to accept digit as first character

REST Client Support serializing received body as object by using a generic type parameter

REST Client Allow null body for putObject and putForm methods

Logging system Allow specifying the testcase to attach a file to

File Transfer Client Failure when uploading/downloading file with non UTF-8 compliant name

File System Operations Failure when copying directories with wrong trailing


22 December 2017

Amazon S3 Support operations over Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Rest Client Support multi-value headers

Logging system Log a console warning when having different versions between Test Executor and ATS Agent

Upgrade Selenium to latest current version - 3.8.1

Upgrade Apache DBCP to 2.11


15 November 2017

ATS short video presentation

Logging system Support PostgreSQL for Test Explorer database

Http Client Add possibility to get the response body as XMLText or JSONText object

Http Client and Rest Client Methods for removing request headers and query parameters

File System Operations Support for decompression of tar, tar.gz and gz archive formats

File System Operations When copying some file or folder, maintain the original permissions

File System Operations A new method called doesDirectoryExist()

System Operations A new method getHostname()

File System Snapshots Look into file's content. Applicable for XML, Properties, INI and regular TEXT files

Process Talker Expose additional methods for inspecting STD ERR messages

Monitoring Simplified the internal design

ATS System Printing classpath at the beginning of the RUN is now disabled by default as some users find it disturbing

ATS Agent Add index.html files to the root of the agent apps

ATS Agent Add methods to ease the troubleshooting of Test Executor and Agent's classpath issues

Logging performance on Agent side Ability to monitor the Agent's logging queue

UI Testing Firefox supported versions is now 48-53, Chrome supported version is 58

S/MIME support Added support for encrypted and signed mails

Database Snapshots Database snapshots error when reading BLOB data

File Transfer Client SFTP connect fails with some JREs as the needed Bouncy Castle provider is not the first one to use

Upgrade Bouncy Castle library upgraded from version 1.47 to 1.57

Upgrade Oracle JDBC driver upgraded from to

Upgrade Cassandra JDBC driver upgraded from 2.0.1 to 3.2.0

31 March 2017

ATS is open sourced

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